We have been contacted by a number of residents in your area who are concerned about the imposition of traffic calming measures in the Garside Hey Road area. The planters that have been used to block some local roads are the main feature of this scheme, with the pelican crossing on Garside Hey Road and benches that have been installed also being a part of it.
Bury Council engineering department, in partnership with TfGM, began putting these measures in place in January of this year. We are approaching six months since the scheme began to be implemented.
It is important to give as many residents as possible the chance to give their views on this scheme. We do not believe the ongoing consultation process by Bury MBC has been sufficiently robust and in the main has either ignored the concerns of local residents or imposed additions to the scheme without appropriate levels of public scrutiny.
We believe that decisions impacting your daily lives, must have as much input from the community as possible. By responding to our survey below your views will be included in the official consultation and we will ensure that they are brought to the attention of Bury Council when the scheme is reviewed.
- James Daly MP and Cllr Jack Rydeheard