Yesterday I spoke in the Queens Speech debate about how I believe levelling up equality of opportunity for everyone is crucial to this Government’s mission and how my idea of a SEND Hub can help with that aim.
Special schools or community special schools are often in a position where they have to commission further bespoke services for a young person.
But there is not a regular unified commissioning body to provide these services.
We have therefore created a disjointed system, with commissioning beset by delay which clearly can negatively impact the young person.
The various commissioners can have different priorities and agenda and, in many cases, therefore the young person does not have the bespoke support they need to prepare for adulthood.
In my view the establishment of SEND hubs will give young people with special educational needs the best chance to have a brighter future.
Staff from the various commission bodies working under one roof where professionals and family members can turn to, immediately if necessary, to find the support necessary.